High sugar level in blood is also bad for health and heart, so how can it be brought down.
Here is a tried and tested method of bringing it down.
Someone brought his blood sugar level down by taking a very small amount (about quarter teaspoonful) of Maythee (Fenugreek) and Daarcheyney (Cinnamon) powder every day.
At one time he had a very hard time in keeping blood sugar level at 7.4 (Fasting). Then since year and half ago he started taking a pinch of Maythee (Fenugreek) powder first thing in the morning with water and then a quarter teaspoonful of Daarcheyney (Cinnamon) powder with tea every day.
His latest blood test has shown sugar lever at 5.3 (Fasting). Now he does not worry about eating a small amount of sweets .
He has stopped the unnecessary luxury of eating lunch since a few years ago. Eating dinner after breakfast and breakfast after dinner strikes a very good balance for the body. Perhaps one will agree.
He has not been very keen on eating rice.
If Maythee powder is not available then a few grains of Maythee can be chewed in the morning after leaving it overnight in some water in a cup. The water can also be drunk while chewing it. If Daarcheyney powder is not available then a little piece can be chewed and digested. Daarcheyney can also be taken with honey if available.
Walking a minimum of two miles a day or more is also very helpful.
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
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» High sugar level in blood is also bad for health and heart
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