Thursday, November 20, 2014

Milk is a food of animal origin

Benefits & Disadvantages of Milk
Milk is a food of animal origin consumed and valued in our society. Its popularity came from its high nutritional value, as well as for their culinary possibilities. However, it should be noted some of the drawbacks or disadvantages that may present consumption.
Always is undisputed that the human being is able to consume milk of different species, in addition to breast milk. This provides nutrients of high biological value essential during the development stage, but it also brings some disorders to consider.
Benefits or advantages of milk consumption

Low calorie: is a food that provides many nutrients but has low calorie, unlike some snacks and sweets, they do provide a lot of calories and almost no nutrients.
Great variety nutritious: it is considered one of the most complete foods, containing high biological value proteins, fats, carbohydrates, water, vitamins, both water soluble and minerals.
Prevent osteoporosis: provided that their consumption has been adequate during childhood and adolescence, ie at the stage of bone development, since milk is a great source of calcium.
But contrary to what is believed, once installed osteoporosis in adulthood its preventive action is void.
Feeding that takes place during the growth stage will be crucial to adulthood.
Stimulates the formation of new tissue in the body, during the stage of child growth, pregnancy, surgery, burns, fractures, etc..
It neutralizes stomach acid: to be a food alkaline (pH 6.6), although some people do not produce this benefit.
It has a uricosuric effect: this means that facilitates the elimination of uric acid through the urine, helping to lower your blood value.
Promotes the growth of the intestinal bacterial flora: of vital importance as the flora in turn synthesizes vitamin B complex
It prevents the growth of pathogens in the gut: thanks to the action of lactic acid, a substance produced by intestinal bacteria to transform the lactose in milk.

Disadvantages and / or disadvantages of milk consumption
Lacking in some nutrients: such as fiber, iron and vitamin C. Cow’s milk does not provide the ideal amino acid ratio, so although protein of good quality, are not complete. Ideally combining dairy proteins cereal protein supplementation to be optimal.
Irritating to digestive system in sensitive individuals may occur: abdominal cramps, irritable bowel aggravation and gastroduodenal ulcers (by a rebound effect of acid secretion, acidity when calm, but then increases acid secretion), inflammation and intestinal bleeding in infants.
May aggravate rheumatoid arthritis: as antigen-antibody complexes generated by milk can be deposited in the joints causing inflammation and numbness.
Iron deficiency anemia: either because milk is low in iron and small intestinal bleeding can occur consumption, especially in infants.
Some components are risk factors for heart disease: saturated fat and casein increase the level of blood cholesterol, and lactose well predisposing heart disease. Its use is not recommended in the presence of infarction and arteriosclerosis.
It may be causing cataracts: in some people, because galactose can cause lens opacity.
Related to some types of cancer: because most of the milk fat is saturated. There is abundant scientific evidence to conclude that daily consumption of milk increases the risk of developing prostate cancer, ovarian and lymphoma.
Bacterial contamination, chemical or radioactive: it is a very delicate food, thus, its conservation and its processing are key to public health.
Contraindicated in the following situations:
Lactose intolerance: can consume lactose milk or cheese or yogurt, since less lactose
allergic to cow’s milk: should remove all dairy and soy products to replace them.
galactosemia: substitute soy products
Stomach surgery: by dumping syndrome, gastrointestinal signs and symptoms that appear after a gastric surgery, such as bloating, diarrhea, vomiting and nausea.


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